Saturday, 1 August 2015

Programming the Designs(GUI) Part-1

First of all, Thank You to read my blog regularly, I don't expect anything from you but just want to help you so that you can have your skills to be used for better purpose that leads to your bright future.

So, without being taking more time I will start with the main concern. In this new segment you will have Java programming, Python Programming with some design tools. I will mainly focus on Java GUI designing using Swing.

Let's start with it-
I have divided whole things into part so that I can add some more things if required further.

What is GUI programming?
This is not the actual word that you will find on the Google and may differ some meaning elsewhere. GUI programming is the term used for designing Graphical User Interface through programming and here I will suggest Java programming.

The reason for choosing Java is that it is a Platform Independent Language, that means it can be port to any machine and code will run in same manner as it was run previous machine/platform.

How to implement?
In Java GUI programming, we require some tools that you should download immediately to start with my tutorials. You will need:
1. jdk1.7 and above
2. Eclipse Indigo or Eclipse Luna(For ease of coding)
3. Adobe Photoshop(For designing images)  
4. If Possible Install Google's Picasa picture manager tool
 These are the basic requirements that will be important for all tutorials, extra things needed will be mentioned specially in the each tutorials.

If you already have some idea about Java Swing then its well and good otherwise just follow the instructions in the tutorials thoroughly. 

What is use of it?
You are definitely thinking of its usage. This will help you to develop your own hyper Interactive application GUI with your own created components.

You can also able to develop the Games with the help of further tutorials because I have created some games too and I will definitely help on that if you have something about in your mind.

So, I will end this Part-1 here and starting with the Implementations from the next tutorials.

Happy Designing!  

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