Saturday, 12 September 2015

How to get started with the web designing

Hello everyone, today I got up with some facts and reality about the web designing basics. This is the first time I am providing you something about web designing first time since it is the most demanding technology if you want to work as a UI designer. Web designing is not more different than the other technology in the perspective of designing. The difference occurs in the usage and the scope. I will demonstrate the basic things here with some examples.


1. What is web designing?

According to my experience and usage, I will describe it in my words. Web consists of many things that may help to reach more people at a particular instance. In order to attract more people, User Interface of the web page is very critical task and no wonders they will get more stipend then a basic desktop designers. Web pages are just the pages or sub-pages that will help to describe your website. I have designed many of the sites using HTML and JSP, PHP, CSS but it were worked well because I have designed it very well and spend more time on designing only. So, if you are a designer than you are very crucial part of the web designing.


2. How to start designing it?

As I have told you about the web designing, now I will just suggest you some sites for get hands on it very well as I have also learnt from it. I will advice you to directly start with the website(any website I have e-shopping) rather just practicing each and every module of that technology. The reason behind it is that if you spend your precious time on the learning and practicing those modules you will realize somewhere that there is no end to it, so just start thinking of a website and start designing. I will here providing you with the designing aspects and you just refer those suggested websites and you are done.


Following are the websites that will help you to learn at least basics of web development: 

  • You can also refer this website

    There are many website which provide you web development part but I prefer above website. Also there are more technologies like php but the above given three are mostly preferred to develop a web page but still if you want to learn php and more, you can refer above site itself.

    If you have any issue regarding this please contact me directly through mail or comment on the blog. I am finishing now here this blog post by hoping that in the next post you will be well prepared with the basics of the web page development.

    Happy Designing

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Designing the Animations- Java 7(Part 2)-The Code

Here is the code snippet for the
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;

import javax.swing.*;
public class Animate_Ball {

    public static JFrame fr;
    public static JLabel ball1;
    public static Timer balltimer;
    public static Container c;
    public static ImageIcon i;
    public Animate_Ball() {
        fr=new JFrame();
        ball1=new JLabel();
        i=new ImageIcon("ball.png");
        fr.setBounds(0, 0, 800, 500);
        ball1.setBounds(0, 9, 179, 168);
balltimer=new Timer(6, new ActionListener() {            //ball animator
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {

    public static void main(String arr[]){
        Animate_Ball n=new Animate_Ball();


And the output will be moving ball. You can experiment it with the moving ball vertically by changing the ball1.getY()+5.

Happy designing with java.